11 signs you're ready for a yoga teacher training
Have you ever had doubts that you’re not “good enough” to do a yoga teacher training?
Or it’s not for you because you don’t want to teach?
What about worrying that you don’t know enough?
Or that you haven’t been doing yoga for very long?
I know the fear is real because I had the same doubts before signing up for my first YTT. But let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made! To reassure you that you’re probably more ready than you think, I’ve answered the above questions (and more) for you - click here to read the YTT FAQs page.
Regardless of whether you want to teach yoga, embarking on a yoga teacher training is an amazing experience that will give you a new perspective and appreciation for your personal practice, as well as lots of inspiration both on and off the mat.
1) You really love yoga!
Yeah okay, this one is obvious, but I’m serious! You genuinely look forward to class and spending time on your mat. You specifically make space for it in your busy schedule because it’s probably the best part of your week.
2) You’ve felt the benefits of yoga first-hand but want to know how it actually “works”.
Yoga has already improved your life or helped you in some way, but you know there’s more it can do for you both physically and mentally and you want to explore that through a balance of science, mindbody research and ancient philosophy.
3) You’ve reached a plateau in your personal practice and need some new inspiration.
Even though you love your practice, you no longer feel like you’re progressing and are ready for a new challenge or a different approach that’s more personal.
4) You’re not sure if you’re doing the postures “right”.
You’d like a little more guidance on the alignment and what you’re actually supposed to be doing and feeling in each shape. You want the confidence and ability to adapt your practice so it’s more personal, even when you’re in a group class.
5) You’ve tried to do yoga by yourself but don’t know where to start.
Instead you do a YouTube class, but it’s rarely what you really want.
6) You’ve heard all this amazing stuff about breathing and meditation, but your mind is so damn busy it feels impossible.
Even if you already have an established meditation / pranayama practice (it’s okay if you don’t), you want to learn more about the mindbody connection and what’s happening in your brain and body when you breathe.
7) You’ve started looking for extra info online and asking more questions.
You want to know the why and how behind the poses, and now your social media is full of yoga posts and tutorials from different teachers. There’s a yoga geek inside of you and you’re proud to admit it!
8) “Where does yoga come from?” is a question you’ve asked yourself (or Google).
It’s a good question! The origins and evolution of yoga are really interesting subjects that span thousands of years. Did you know there were once warrior yogis with fierce weapons? It wasn’t all “love and light” - trust me!
9) You tell all your friends how amazing yoga is.
Even if you don’t want to be a Yoga Teacher, you’d still enjoy helping your Mum with her back pain or showing your friend some breathing techniques to help her manage stress.
10) You own at least one self-help book (even if you hate to admit it).
Even though it’s thousands of years old, did you know yogic philosophy can literally be applied to your modern day lifestyle and mindset? It helps with decision making, forming (or breaking) habits, understanding your thoughts and actions, and so much more. It’s very cool, and also very useful!
11) You know that yoga is about more than touching your toes.
Touching your toes isn’t even a pre-requisite to join! The only pre-requisite is being a passionate and curious student ready to explore the many elements that make yoga whole. You don’t need to do “advanced” asanas, know about anatomy, or be able to meditate for hours, I promise. A love of yoga is enough to start this new adventure.
If you’re interested in finding out more about my 200 hour yoga teacher training, here are the links to everything you need to know: