11 signs you're ready for a yoga teacher training
Have you ever had doubts that you’re not “good enough” to do a yoga teacher training? Or it’s not for you because you don’t want to teach? What about worrying that you don’t know enough? Or that you haven’t been doing yoga for very long?
Fascinating facts about your feet
Feeling grounded is a phrase synonymous with the world of yoga, but what does it mean? On an emotional level it relates to a sense of stability, calm and support. On a physical level, there's a lot of focus on the feet.
Confessions of a yoga teacher - part 2
I had a great response to my first post about being a Yoga Teacher, so I wanted to share a few more secrets with you all.
Confessions of a yoga teacher
To reassure you all that I’m just a normal, not always happy, not always healthy, human being, here are a few confessions and secrets that I’d like to share.
How to practice yoga when you're not in Lycra
Did you know that the physical part of yoga is only 1/8 of the whole practice? Yep. True story. As the popularity of yoga grows it’s easy to forget that there’s more to it than snazzy leggings and pretzel-like Instagram posts.
A beginners' guide to breathing
I’m fully aware how patronising it can be when someone says ‘take a deep breath’ however, if you’ve ever stopped to do it, you’ll know how soothing it can feel.
10 signs you need some yoga in your life
It’s no secret that yoga is becoming more popular by the day, and for good reasons. If you’ve thought about it, but you’re not sure it’s for you, then read on to see how you could benefit.