10 signs you need some yoga in your life
It’s no secret that yoga is becoming more popular by the day, and for good reasons. If you’ve thought about it, but you’re not sure it’s for you, then read on to see how you could benefit.
1) you’ve typed a variation of the following into Google:
‘feeling tired all the time’ | ‘why am I so tired?’ | ‘how to feel less tired’
Of course, extreme fatigue can be a sign of something more serious, but more often than not it’s simply a sign that you need some high quality rest and relaxation. When you’re feeling totally exhausted your natural instinct might be to curl up on the sofa and settle in for an evening of box-set binge watching. Even thinking about exercise probably makes your eyelids a little heavier, however, you might be surprised to know that yoga is a wonderful way to wake yourself up. While physically over-exerting yourself can tire your muscles more, yoga is a gentle alternative to that 5k run that actually replenishes your energy levels. How you ask? Let me tell you…
A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to poor circulation. Poor circulation means important nutrients and oxygen don’t get transported around the body very effectively. A few sun salutations will raise your heart beat, feed you more oxygen, and get the blood pumping to your muscles, organs and most importantly your brain - giving you a little boost of stimulation.
Fatigue and tiredness can also be a physical reaction to something more mental. A lack of motivation, negative thoughts or overthinking can tire out your brain and in turn, tire out your body. It’s the same concept as stress (an emotional trigger) having a physical response, such as a tension headache or tight shoulders. It’s why yoga focuses so much on a holistic approach between the body and mind. They’re completely connected.
2) You’re restless.
Despite feeling exhausted constantly, you can’t sit still and struggle to sleep. When you do crawl into bed craving a good nights sleep, you switch the lights off and seemingly switch your brain on. Sound familiar? You’re not alone.
Yoga teaches you some wonderful breathing techniques to calm your chaotic thoughts, as well as some very simple meditation techniques that can work wonders if you’re someone prone to anxiety. (Scientifically proven to be more effective than counting sheep).
3) You struggle to make decisions.
Did you know, the left side of your brain is responsible for academic and logical thought processes, whereas the right side is the more imaginative and creative? Yoga stimulates both sides equally and therefore balances your thought processes. Perfect for when you’ve got big decisions to make, or to impress your boss in the team brainstorm.
4) You own slip-on shoes for every occasion.
Mainly because it’s such a struggle to bend down to do your laces! There’s a common misconception that you can’t do yoga if you can’t touch your toes. Saying that is like saying you’re too dirty to take a shower. Yoga doesn’t just improve your flexibility but it also builds strength, mobility and balance. What most people don’t realise is that issues such as tight hamstrings can actually be a direct cause of back pain and other joint issues, so loosening up can really help you out.
5) You’re a victim of the 9-5…
6) …but spend most of your 9-5 procrastinating.
Suffering from slumpasana? Hours on end hunched over your desk can cause back pain, a sore neck and stiff shoulders. Yoga improves your posture and makes you much more aware of your alignment. You’ll also learn some really simple stretches to do at your desk for when you need a quick fix. Ask yourself, how much of your 9-5 is actually productive? If you’re one of life’s professional procrastinators then you could benefit from the focus yoga brings you. Yoga asks you to really pay attention to what you’re doing (if you’ve heard of mindfulness, well, it’s that). Applying the same approach to your working day will help stop your mind wandering and hopefully cut the time it takes to complete tasks.
7) you’re always “a little under the weather.”
Yoga boosts your immunity. Yes, really. It happens on a cellular level and can heighten your body’s ability to fight off infections and things like the common cold. This happens when we’re able to spend more time in our parasympathetic setting, which is hopefully how your body reacts to a soothing Savasana.
8) there’s no escape from all your notifications.
The best thing about a yoga class? No phones allowed!
9) you’ve been a bit down, dog.
Yoga doesn’t just make you healthy, it makes you happy. Practicing yoga has a chemical reaction in your body and your serotonin, oxytocin, and GABA levels all increase after getting on your mat. Higher levels of GABA has been linked to lower levels of depression, anxiety and anger. This is why you often leave class feeling like a weight has been lifted.
10) you find it patronising when someone tells you to “take a deep breath”.
Rather than cursing under your breath and getting more irritated, have you ever stopped to try it? Feels good, right? Well in yoga we take a lot of deep breaths and each one feels more satisfying than the one before.
So there you have it. If a few of those signs hit home then perhaps it’s time try a class.